July 17: Staring intently at the home pregnancy test, "Do I see a second line? Is that a second line? I think it is a second line! OMIGOD OMIGOD OMIGOD!"
July 22: First TransV Ultrasound. Sonologist: "You're around 5 wks pregnant, but see this spot here? That's not supposed to be there. That's blood inside your uterus. There's minimal subchorionic hemorrhage -- this is a sign of miscarriage. I suggest you go back to your OB immediately, she might recommend you to rest."
And the next 4 weeks were therefore spent at home -- coupled with increased hyperacidity, flatulence, nausea and actual throwing up.
Morning sickness proved to be an All Day sickness, necessitating frequent bouts with the Master Toilet. Never in my life have I had a closer relationship with a ceramic bowl until this. All medications stopped, hoping to tame the nausea and hyperacidity. TUMS and Kremil only serving to neutralize the top layer of acidity.
But the one silver lining amidst this ordeal is hearing my baby's heartbeat through the doppler -- a confirmation that yes, a little one is growing in my tummy!