I am also lucky enough to have a guy bestfriend from college, whose passion for photography became apparent during the early years of our corporate life. He took the time and effort to come over and experiment with me. Thank you Kenneth (Bo0tskie).
Likewise, I am also lucky to have a bubbly girl bestfriend from college, who gave me a great journal for my new foray into the world of mommyhood -- Dr. Mom Health Journal and, together with her significant other, graced the photoshoot and became my official "stylist" for the second set of pictures... if "stylist" could be used for someone who throws in weird ideas causing everyone to laugh their insides out. Thank you Tin (Blo0pie).
People may ask, why the fuss of having your pregnant belly photographed? Other people actually pay to have this photoshoot (lucky for me this was pro-bono, hugs to Kenneth), so what is this really for?
It's a form of expression. It's all about capturing the moment of preparing for mommyhood, especially if this is a first pregnancy. Being pregnant is a very special moment in a woman's life, and no one can fault us for wanting to be reminded of it.
It's also a way to make us (moms-to-be) feel good about ourselves. It reminds some of us (like me) that after the aches, pains and sacrifices we have been through, pregnancy is a wonderful thing, and we don't necessarily have to look sick and tired all the time. It gives us a chance to let the pregnancy bring out the beauty inside of us.
During the time of this photoshoot (@ 32 weeks), I have been on House Arrest for several weeks already, and still am as of this posting(@35 weeks). If not for this photoshoot, I would always remember myself as looking big, bloated and tired the whole time. There would be no good memories of the sacrifice that we had to make for our baby -- foregoing my work and salary just to make sure the baby is alright. There would be no concrete symbolism that pregnancy, despite being on House Arrest, is still a wonderful thing.
Of course, as with all other forms of art and expression, this is not for everybody. Not every mom-to-be is compelled to do this, for their own good reasons. Not everyone would have a good impression of us who opt to do this -- some may think we are showing off our pregnancy, or our pregnancy figures, or our skin, which is actually inevitable but is totally beyond the point. Conservatives might remark that young moms-to-be are becoming trashy and inappropriate nowadays. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as I am entitled to mine as well.
This is something I would definitely look back to when I'm old and wrinkly -- telling my firstborn EJ that "Believe it or not, that was me, while I was having you."
(Hmm... I wonder how he will react to this one. Haha.)
For the other pictures from this set, you may view my multiply site here.