It's called "gravity" in science. But sometimes it's just called "Life".
Have you ever noticed those times when everything is smooth and under your control, then a series of events happen the effs everything up? It's those times that I feel scared to be very happy again because I start to wonder what the consequence of it might be. But life's too short to be scared to be happy. Whatever the consequence is, it's gonna happen anyway. So might as well be happy, right? Well, easier said than done.
I'm generally a very positive person. But I also have off-days (when I'm hormonally imbalanced haha) when I find myself being realistic. What goes up doesn't stay there. There will always be pitfalls in life. Bumps that need to be endured, with bruises to show for it. But the important thing is how you live your life while you're up there. Do you go all YOLO and wild and free? Or do you live wisely, prepared in case you fall down? Similarly, how do you live when you're down there? Do you go down for the count or refuse to stop getting back up?
People who have experienced how it sucks to fall down appreciate the feeling of going back on top even more. It's sweeter. More meaningful. And when their road gets bumpy? They know how to deal with it, and things eventually return to normal. It's a cycle we all experience, some probably more often than others. We just have to pick up things to learn on the way, so we don't make the same mistakes again.
Through it all, what is important is a strong support system. One that keeps you grounded while you're up there and lifts you up -- may it be by the collar, by the hair, by the leg, or whatever means necessary -- while you're down there.
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