I had an interesting conversation on the beach with a good friend who happens to have a different opinion about destiny. Destiny, according to him, is another word for not having a choice. He thinks that if something in your life is deemed "destined" to be, then no matter what you do, it will happen -- ergo, no choice.
He also said life always has choices. They may not be the choices you want, but they are choices just the same.
I agree with his take on choices. But the destiny part.... I guess the romantic in me would still want to believe in destiny.
I don't think it's about having no choice at all. My feeling is that the choices I make lead to different consequences along the way although ultimately, it's whatever God wants for me that will eventually happen. But because I don't know what that is until it does happen, then I wouldn't think I didn't have a choice, would I? The consequences of my actions along the way are the results of my choices, so I still have choices. Whew. Did that just feel like a merry-go-round or what.
Bottomline, I know I have choices, and I like to believe in destiny because that's what I call the things I cannot explain.
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