Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2011: The Bipolar Year

From being buried deep into corporate-IT-world-politics to being isolated at home mommyhooding to being an OFW's wife.

From being "I am a document specialist and I have no life" to regaining my passion for dancing and being part of a dance studio.

From finding Twitter and FB a burden, to clinging onto them for dear life, as they are my only connection to the outside world.

From losing my mood to blog, to blogging more than 10 entries in a month (but due to my busy schedule, it hasn't happened again).

From changing my wardrobe one size bigger to changing back to my previous pre-wedding clothes.

From someone who can't get out of the house, to 7 days of loitering and mall-hopping in a foreign place.

From sleeping in a queen sized bed to sleeping in a playpen.

From dealing with loads of documents and files, to dealing with loads of laundry.

From reading a book in a day, to not even having the chance to open the plastic cover after months of buying one. (I'm sorry, Dan Brown. I'll get to read you someday. Just stay snug and sealed for the meantime.)

From moving in a corporate world, to drowning into mommy-world, to finding my own world.

Me as a career mom, Me as a mom, Me as ME.

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