Tuesday, May 17, 2011

This is Real… This is Me…

…I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be… so that song from Camp Rock goes. 

Some blogger friends told me to take advantage of my blogging skills and advertise products for a fee. Well, there's nothing wrong with that, especially if it does generate some income. But for some reason I couldn't bring myself to do it. I couldn't quite put my finger at the exact reason why I dismissed the idea, until a close friend made me realize why. 

He told me it's because I blog from the heart. 

He said that this blog shows the real me, which is why reading it is like getting to know me. Funny that it was just then that I understood why I couldn't just post something that doesn't have a personal connection with me. This is a personal blog, an extension of myself. (If I would make a business out of a blog I would have to create a third one for it.) I may write under my pseudoname, but it still came from the same heart, the same mind, the same thoughts. Mine. 

So it was just recently that I learned to appreciate why I blog. I guess it came so naturally for me that I kinda forgot why I was doing this and whom I was doing this for. 

Now I remember, and now I know. 

This is me -- Unica Ivah. 

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